Chapter -1

Revyaansh P.O.V

" You can't even do a single thing properly , I wonder how your parents tolerate you ? " I simply just asked you to bring me a glass of water and here you are spilling it all over me , can't you see ? Are you blind or what ? "
If I was your mother I would be ashamed to be known as your mother .Gayatri yelled at the little boy .

" Is everything okay Gayatri ? " asked Arvind , her elder brother while coming from outside .

" Bhai look , what your well mannered son did to my expensive saree ? He doesn't even know how to hold a glass of water , I know I may sound mean but he should atleast learn to respect his elders , we all know very well that he did it intentionally "

" Hey you , where are your manners hmm ? I think you need a lesson again , don't you ? " yelled his father , while coming close to him .

" Look into my eyes , Arvind ordered while holding his chin harshly and making him look into his eyes , " I think you need a proper lesson on manners , don't you ? I am already fed up of your existence and here you are ruinning everything , he almost yelled while slapping the little boy on his cheeks .

A red mark was printed on his cheeks , tears gathered in his eyes , threatening to fall , his physique shivered .

" Tell me why are you so annoying hmm ? , just let me have some peace and with that he held him from his collars and dragged him toward a room . "Da-d , p-lease f-forgive m-me I w-will be a goo-d son , please " he pleaed while joining his hands and requested his father .

" Stop calling me dad from this filthy mouth of yours , he answered while holding his cheeks harshly and slapping him again , you are a monster , you killed my son already , you are just an unwanted addition in our family . You are a burden .

" I just don't like this ugly face of yours . Let me make it beautiful , hmm ?" With that he picked up a cutter from the side table and started tracing it on his face . The little boy shivered in fear and due to fear he peed in his pants , feeling disgusted from his son , Arvind harshly slashed the side of his left cheek , almost digging the knife inside his cheeks . the little boy cried in pain and his neck was soon covered in blood , all he could do was see red .

Then he suddenly woke up all sweated up , his heart shivered at the ugly memory of his past , the voices inside his head getting louder by each passing second . His physique started shivering , his hands started shaking and he hastely searched for his antidepressants and finally after taking one slowly he started to feel normal . It was not the type of normal we all think , but enough to make him presentable in front of himself . Looking at the side clock he sighed , as it was already 6 in the morning and he decided to get ready for the day .

Author's P.O.V.

A man in his late fifties patiently asked his wife to bring him a cup of coffee ,while he himself started reading the newspaper . Then slowly as the time passed all the family members started getting ready for their respective works and schedules for the day .

" Dad , please ask bhai to unblock my cards , it's getting hard everyday to survive without money everyday , I also have my own needs "

Listening to his son the father nodded his head as a sign of agreement to his son . As everybody sat on their respective chairs and Avantika started serving the breakfast , Nandini asked "Arvind , where is Revyaansh ?" To which he replied dryly " Must be in his room maa "

" Avantika call him , we all are having breakfast , he will have his too " Avantika went to call her son and as everyone started having their breakfast "

Then finally Revyaansh came downstairs and sat down on his respective place , pouring himself a glass of juice and getting some toasts for himself on his plate , while he was having them then Arvind spoke catching everyone's attention " You should unblock Ahaan's cards and be in your limits don't try to control his life focus on yourself alone , he knows more than you "

To which Revyaansh replied nothing and just chuckled dryly while just nodding his head . The dinning room or we can say hall fell all silent and nobody spoke a word . But soon this silence was broken by Keshav non other than Revyaansh's grandfather as he spoke " I think it's high time for you to get married and take upon the position of Vice - Chairman , as I think your father is no more interested or we can say paying attention toward bussiness " He said while eyeing his grandson ( Revyaansh ) to which Arvind angrily spoke " What the hell dad ? I mean I am the one who worked hard all these years , how can you even think about snatching my position and that too for this abnormal grandson of yours , I mean look at Ahaan , Rajveer or Tejveer they are more capable for this position " .

Listening to his son keshav chuckled " I know about all your hard work beta , and even if I snatch or respectfully give position to anyone it's my choice and it's my company whoever I want will be the ceo or vice chairman . Morever I
Who is capable for the position or not .
And All of you I want to announce that Revyaansh will get married to daughter of Rajputs , Ishita Rajput . She is the daughter of my close friends son and I feel she is compatible enough to become daughter - in - law of Rajvansh's .

Magical Time Skip ~

As suggested by Keshav Singh Rajvansh the marriage of his grandson was decided to take place after one month . All the ceremonies took place with respect to their purity . All member's of both the families were happy except some who were afraid for their own future .

On the other side Ishita was getting ready for the most auspicious day of her life , she never knew this day of her life will come this soon , like all the girls she knew that one day she will get married and will leave this house but it was too soon for her , but she was somewhere excited about her new journey of her life .

As she got ready and was done with all her makeup she sat on the bed and her dearest and loveliest brother entered inside " Tum kon ho ? Meri bhen kaha hai ? Wo bandriya bhaag to nhi gyi ? " Akshit said while eyeing Ishita

( Who are you ? Where is my sister ? Did she ran away from here ? )

" Akshit are you serious ? Look at her she is looking pretty and already so nervous instead of making her feel assured you are annoying her " "Didi , it's good to hear that this duffer is going to her sasural or otherwise she was making my life living hell , thankfully dadu found her match on perfect time "

Listening to this Ishita smacked his head and while glaring told him " I think I need to tell mom about your lovely samai--" Before she could speak he nervously said "oh my dear lovely sister I am really sorry , I am really going to miss you , but anyways you are looking horrible today hopefully jiju will not run away looking at your face ''

'' Even while looking horrible I am beautiful but look at you , you are looking like a beggar , a homeless beggar " ," Anyways let's go , we are already getting very late pandit ji is calling for you I mean bride and by the way Ishu jiju ko disturb mtt krna wrna tumhe yhi wapis bhej denge fir mujhe tng krogi "

With all the bickering Akshit and all cousin brother's of Ishita helped her to go downstairs and made her sit beside Revyaansh .

As Priest ( Pandit ji ) elaborated the holy mantras and they took the seven feras around the holy fire and then priest asked Revyaansh to tie the Mangalsutra around her neck and put verimillon and while he was on puting verimillon some of it fell on her nose , to which Ishita's sister's teased her by saying " This resembles that jiju will love you alot Ishita , I mean you and him will share a precious bond , as the amount of the vermillion fallen on nose resembles the love of a husband for his wife "

As all the ceremonies of marriage were done it was time for Their departure . Ishita's father hugged her tightly and weeped and looking at her father who never cried or shed a single tear at even difficult situations of their lives it made Ishita cry too , she sobbed while reciprocating the hug . It was difficult for her father as she was their eldest daughter who was loved and cherished by everyone in the family . The child because of him he got an honour to be called a father and everyone in the family got a new name and relation with her .
As it was time for her to start a new journey , they were truely happy for her but her absence is really going to affect them . Finally Ishita and Revyaansh sat in the car and started their journey toward their house . On the way Ishita couldn't help but weep .

Ishita's P.O.V.

Getting married was never on my list that too this early but as my parents and elders made me realize it's importance and the happiness they had on their faces I couldn't help but say yes to it . During the Wedding ceremonies , when I looked at my husband I didn't knew what to feel , from now on he is the one I am going to share my life with and the thought of becoming someone's wife was literally scary . But looking at the relation my parent's had I know I can also make it happen .

One thing is for sure , looking from his face I can tell and understand that he is a tough guy but I hope he accepts me as I did . The journey is going to be tough but atleast I can try to mend relations .

As we reached the house of my husband I was lovingly welcomed by everyone , his mother did our arti and his cousins even teased him to which he did nothing but glared . His mother kissed his and mine forehead and gave her blessings . After that when it came to other ceremonies to which he simply denied saying he is too tired for their so called ceremonies and want a really good sleep .

Author's P.O.V.

Both Revyaansh and Ishita entered the room , Ishita simply went to the bathroom to take a shower and for getting changed . After taking a nice and relaxing shower hoping her husband must have fallen asleep she came outside while having her lehenga in her hands to pack it up in the bag to keep it safely and securely .
But to her surprise when she came out of the bathroom she saw him drinking while leaning on the sofa and watching some cricket match on the T.V.

She couldn't help but feel disgusted as the smell of alcohol entered her nostrils , while holdling her breath she kept lehenga on the bed and took the glass of drink from her husband and threw it in the dustbin .

" What the hell you think you are doing ? asked Revyansh to which Ishita replied " I must be asking you the same question , who drinks alcohol on the wedding night and in addition who drinks alcohol it's not good for your health and I don't like it's disgusting smell . "

" I think it's my choice to drink or not and it's not my fault that you don't like the smell , I like it and I will have it . " If you want then please don't drink it in the room , I feel like puking ." " I think you should mind your own business it's your problem not mine and if once again you try to do any stupid shit like this again , I will not hesitate to make you see hell , he said while pointing toward the dustbin "

Listening to his words and not wanting to create a scene further she stopped herself from speaking any further and picked up her lehenga and started packing up in a suitcase and kept that in the almirah . When she came back from the dressing room she saw her husband sleeping on the sofa . First she thought that she should help him , but remembering his words she just covered him up with a blanket and herself laid on the bed thinking about the journey and the life ahead of herself .

Yeah that's it for this chapter hopefully you all will like this book . I am myself so excited to write this book . Please vote and comment if possible .

Next update by friday or soon .

Words count : 2.1 k

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